'Converts from Lamborghini to Robot'
Released in yellow and red, the Lamborghini robot is a parts-former requiring it to be disassembled then reassembled to convert it from one mode to another.
A manufacturer is currently unconfirmed for these toys. The only links are that it shares the same face* and wheel rim sculpts as the Mighty Bots pickup model (see Mighty Bots section), the same small brass wheel and the pull back motor.
The 'Robot On Wheels' cardback text font and style is very simillar to the Straco, 'Loco-Robot' and 'Truck-Robots'; a MC Toy Moto-Bot clone. Another Moto-Bot clone, 'Moto-Botz' also shares the same card text style.
* the face sculpt originated on the MC Toy Moto-Bot truck and jeep models.
Region Codes Used: US United States / EU Europe
NOTE: Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete.
Lamborghini US/EU (yellow)
Lamborghini US/EU (red)
Unknown Manufacturer and Exact Date other than 1980s.
Made in China (oval gold sticker located under motor section)