Changeable Robots
Chopper was created by REMCO for the Zybots toy line and released under the title, 'Zybots Changeable Robots'.
This model was created from scratch, not initially prototyped from Gobots parts and was only released on the new red and yellow themed cardback featuring illustrated character art.
Chopper has a number of clear variants due to rotor and wheels colour changes.
See main Zybots and Bibots index page for more details.
Region Codes Used: US United States / FR France
NOTE: Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete.
Zybots Changeable Robots 10 US Remco (black wheels) (black large main rotor blades) China Leg Stamp 1984
Zybots Changeable Robots 10 US/FR Remco (black wheels) (grey large main rotor blades) Macau Rotor Stamp 1984
Zybots Changeable Robots 10 US Remco (grey wheels) (grey large main rotor blades) Macau Rotor Stamp 1984
Also re-released in 1992 for Bibots with sticker variation; see Bibots section.
For white, red and blue version see the Zybots NEW Changeable Robots section.
Full distribution is unclear:
Black wheels and large main blades, grey smaller main blades version distributed on cardback.
Black wheels and grey large main blades, black smaller main blades version distributed in Multiforce set pack; see Multiforce section.
Grey wheels and large main blades, black smaller main blades version Zybots 10 Pack; see below.
Both may have been distributed on cardback and in multi-packs.
Ten pack figure came in a white or black plastic tray or in white cardbacked blisters; see below.
Currently the distribution method of black VS grey tail rotors is unclear.
Prototye had a black window bubble, black rear rotor and yellow detail instead of red.
rotor and stamping variants / leg strut variants